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Yardley UMC is a Certified Safe Sanctuary
What is Safe Sanctuaries?
Yardley United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth, vulnerable adults, and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. Our Safe Sanctuaries Policy is our way of ensuring we maintain Yardley UMC as a Safe Space for Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults to receive and participate in the ministry and mission of the church. It reflects our commitment to preserving this ministry’s gatherings as a safe place to “celebrate life, grow in relationship with Christ, discover God-given talents and build foundations for life-long faith journeys.”
Key Points:
There will be 2 responsible Adults present with any person age 18 and younger at all times, one of which must have submitted information State Criminal Background checks and Child Abuse Clearances.
If they have been out of state within the last 10 consecutive years, a FBI Criminal Background check.
Child Abuse Clearances are resubmitted every 5 years.
Employees of the church need all three background checks.
Records are confidential and kept secure for 30 years.
Everyone involved in regular activities with Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults receive an annual update of our Safe Sanctuaries Policy and procedures.
Allegations will be received and relayed in manner that preserves the dignity of the involved, and pre-designated caregivers will be included in corrective conversations.
Ministry leaders and the Pastor will file an allegation with Child Protective Services within 48 hours, and any immediate danger will reported through 911 immediately:
Reporting of an allegation is required by law whenever there is “reasonable cause to suspect”.
Reasonable cause includes:
Any staff or volunteer who has personally witnessed an incident of abuse.
An allegation of an incident of abuse is made to an employee or volunteer.
A person makes a specific disclosure of abuse to an employee or volunteer.
If a child is in immediate danger call 911 immediately.
Within 48 hours:
Suspected Child Abuse MUST be reported to the Pennsylvania Child Abuse Hotline (24 hour/7 day service) at 1-800-932-0313.
Report Electronically to Bucks County Children & Youth Agency at https://www.buckscounty.gov/297/Children-Youth
Any groups involving Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults will abide by this policy.